Past Virtual Coffee Chats
Communicating with Neurotypicals
For this Virtual Coffee Chat, we decided to do a presentation and discussion about how unclear communication by neurotypicals and communication channels mismatches. This presentation doesn't touch on The Double Empathy Problem, but more about actual conversations.
Relationships at Work
This presentation introduces us to Dunbar Number or what we refer as the "Relationship Circle". Presentation shows how we can take some of those principles and map relationships we have at work based as "circles". This covers the six fundamental types of (Pillars) of relationships based on this model.
Other models were brought up during discussion but wasn't recorded or documented.
Disclose or Not Disclose
This very special coffee chat discussion was led by Rebecca Beam, Founder and CEO of Zavikon about disclosures in the workplace. She's a veteran of the technology sector and is an #ActuallyAutistic senior leader that's passionate about opening doors to all individuals with disabilities. There's no presentation for this special Virtual Coffee Chat
Sensory Issues in the Workplace and Beyond
This presentation introduces everyone to what are sensory systems, sensory hypersensitivity in adults, sensory processing disorder, and much more based on desktop research that was followed by great discussion in how sensory issues affect our daily life at work.